The goal of LEARNER is to expand the applicability of mobile robotic platforms and provide a hybrid solution between model-based and AI-based approaches for addressing current challenges in mobile SLAM and Path Planning, specifically targeting dynamic conditions and constantly changing environments populated by humans

Human-Robot Colaboration through social awareness

Introducing social skills in Path Planning by considering the humans' presence, dynamics, actions, and emotional states in the robot's internal map representation.

Advanced perception and environment interpretation abilities

Developing robust SLAM and Path Planning modules that will enhance the existing techniques for coping with structural and conditional changes in the environment, as well as handling the human's dynamic presence.

Advanced perception and environment interpretation abilities

Developing robust SLAM and Path Planning modules that will enhance the existing techniques for coping with structural and conditional changes in the environment, as well as handling the human's dynamic presence.

Robotics middleware package

Integrating and assessing the developed framework on a mobile robot under challenging conditions that resemble a physical environment defined by user requirements.


LEARNER will offer three main services that combined will conclude a complete middleware package that can be effectively deployed, with minimum reconfiguration, in various challenging areas, such as industrial, mining, or construction sites

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Synthetic Dataset Formulation

Automating data extraction for self-supervised learning

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Combining deep learning and model-based approaches

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Path Planning

Navigating under social constrains in dynamic environmental conditions


The research for developing LEARNER is conducted at Mechatronics and Systems Automation Lab, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece

Principal Investigator

Loukas Bampis

Asst. Prof.

Team Members

Ioannis Kansizoglou

Postdoctoral Fellow

Panagiotis Bakirtzis

PhD Student


PhD Student

Marilena Anastasiou 

PhD Student


PhD Student